Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Math Is fun

This game site has a section called Money Master. Within this page you can select the currency you wish to work with. Select the level of difficulty and math the coins to the amount it asks. The skill game is timed. There are other pages that cover Algebra, Geometry, Data, Measurement and Numeration that test the students’ skills. You can also find Math and logic puzzles.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Film English

Film english is a site that promotes the use of Film in the Classroom.  The creator and publisher of this blog states, and it is quoted:
"The three main objectives of Film English are:
■promote the critical and creative use of film in the language classroom
■promote cineliteracy, the ability to read critically and evaluate moving images, in the language classroom.
■promote creativity amongst both teachers and students."

As always, preview anything before using in the classroom.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Money....Funbrain  Within this site there is a game called Change Maker, for students having difficulty with money….canadian.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Kids Stories/Literature

This year I am teaching ESL and Special Ed.  As always I look for new ideas for my classroom. I was searching for some short stories and comprehension work that I could use with my classes.  However, I am not just looking for something that I can photocopy... NO.  I am looking for items that the students can use computers, tablet/iPad or netbooks so that they can use Software such as Premier, text to voice software or Google translate; depending on the student needs.  I came across these sites.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hidden images in Company logos

Hidden images in Company logos. Simple designs with hidden messages.  A good media lesson idea.

There are other sites that you can find..... just google.